- Before dairy based ice creams were introduced in 10th century, this summer treat was actually made from ice.
- Industrial production of ice cream began in 1851 in Boston, United States.
- American made Ice cream was supplied to military troops during World War II. This was when the entire world accepted ice cream as a perfect summer-time treat.
- The largest worldwide consumption of ice cream is in the United States. An average person consumes 48 pints of ice cream per year.
- 90% of American households eat ice cream.
- Biggest ice cream sundae was created in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada in 1988. It weighed 24 tons.
- The recipe for Ice cream came to North America 250 years after it was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
- The most popular flavor of ice cream is vanilla. Then chocolate, strawberry, cookies & cream.
- Ice cream cones were invented during the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis, when large demand forced an ice cream vendor to find help from a nearby waffle vendor. Together they made history.
- One of the most unusual ice cream flavors is hot dog flavored ice cream that was created in Arizona.
- Over her entire lifetime, one dairy cow can produce enough milk for 9,000 gallons of ice cream
- Most profitable day for ice cream sellers is usually Sunday.
- Continental Europe was introduced to ice cream in the late 13th century when Marco Polo returned to Italy from China.
- Largest ice cream cake weighed 12,096 pounds.
- The United States produces the most ice cream in the world.
- Alexander the Great (356-323 BC) loved to eat snow flavored with nectar and honey.
- Hawaii is home to an “ice cream bean” fruit that tastes like vanilla ice cream.
- In the United States, July is deemed to be "National Ice Cream Month".
- Market analysts confirmed that ice cream sales increase during times of recession or wars.
- The Most favorite ice cream topping is chocolate syrup
Visit your local Ice Cream Parlor for a smooth & creamy treat today.
Gil's Wholesale Distributors
322 W Oak Lane Glenolden PA 19036
GilsWholesale.com IceCreamSupplesWholesale.com
Gil’s Wholesale Distributors is a family owned Pennsylvania based full service distributor with over 40 years of providing personalized service & product expertise for wholesale tobacco, cigars, cigarettes & tobacco related products, ice cream, Italian Ice & Gelato manufacturing supplies, convenience store supplies, paper & plastic items, candy, concession, automotive and janitorial products.
Located 10 minutes from the Philadelphia International Airport, our delivery area is PA, NJ, and DE and we ship throughout the U.S. and abroad by common carrier, as well as offer convenient Pick Up services at our customer-friendly showroom.
One Stop Shopping. Free parking. Convenient delivery.
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